Archive for November, 2009

Gratis jeu contre l'argent réel Web de Backgammon

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Web backgammon est un jeu bien-aimé qui a été apprécié dans beaucoup de sociétés assorties pour des éons. Ce jeu pour 2 joueurs se marie caractéristiques de hasard et d'habileté qui est ce qui le rend agréable et divertissante. Le backgammon est souvent joué pour des paris réels, mais mai également être joué pour l'amusement. A l'aube de l'ère Internet vint une avalanche de jeux traditionnels qui ont été adaptés pour le net et peut être joué sur sur le net via le logiciel de casino. La partie awesome sujet de ce logiciel est qu'il permet aux joueurs de jouer gratuitement ou pour de l'argent réel.

Backgammon sur le Web est disponible en abondance sur le web et simulations de logiciels nets progrès ont acquis une excellente car ils ont d'abord été annoncé il ya des années. Les passionnés peuvent profiter sans effort de backgammon avec soit un challenger ou l'ordinateur. Dès qu'ils ont choisis parmi les fournisseurs de logiciels plusieurs fois déjà disponible sur Internet, ils peuvent obtenir le logiciel et le pari sur Backgammon sur le net.

Dans le même temps, certains logiciels sont accessibles dans aucune version flash de téléchargement. C'est ce qui s'appelle basé sur le navigateur de jeu et plutôt que de télécharger l'installeur sur votre ordinateur et l'installer, le joueur peut tout simplement appuyer sur un bouton de la souris et le droit pari dans le navigateur comme Internet Explorer. Elles peuvent aussi présenter de nombreuses options de jeu de jacquet comme la tête à la tête et des tournois. Il est souvent préférable que le joueur d'abord lire les règles du backgammon en ligne avant de choisir un jeu pour miser. Championnats par exemple, pourrait avoir des règles particulières relatives aux frais d'entrée et nombre minimum de joueurs.


Ascolta gratis versus Real Money Web Backgammon

[ English ]

Backgammon Web è un gioco amato che è stato goduto in un sacco di società assortiti per eoni. Questo gioco per 2 giocatori sposa con le caratteristiche di fortuna e abilità, che è ciò che rende piacevole e divertente. Backgammon è giocato spesso per le scommesse reali, ma possono anche essere giocati per divertimento. Con l'alba dell'era di Internet è venuto una valanga di giochi tradizionali che sono state adattate per la rete e può essere giocato su in rete tramite il software del casinò. La parte impressionante di questo software è che permette giocatori di giocare senza alcun costo o per denaro reale.

Backgammon sul web è abbondantemente disponibile sul web e simulazioni software netti hanno ottenuto ottimi passi in avanti in quanto era stato inizialmente annunciato anni fa. Gli appassionati potranno godere di backgammon sforzo sia con uno sfidante reale o il computer. Non appena avranno scelto da diversi fornitori di software distinti esistenti su Internet, possono ottenere il software e scommettere su di Backgammon della rete.

Allo stesso tempo, alcuni software non è accessibile in versione flash. Questo è ciò che si chiama browser-based di gioco e, piuttosto che scaricare il programma di installazione di computer e installarlo, il giocatore può semplicemente premere un tasto destro del mouse e scommettere in browser come Internet Explorer. Essi possono inoltre presenti molte opzioni di gioco del backgammon come testa a testa e tornei. E 'spesso opportuno che il primo giocatore leggere le regole del backgammon online prima di scegliere una partita su cui scommettere. Campionati per esempio, potrebbe avere in esclusiva le regole relative ai costi di ingresso e il numero minimo di giocatori.


Juega Gratis contra Dinero Real Web de Backgammon

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Web de backgammon es un juego muy querida, que ha sido disfrutado en muchas de las sociedades variados durante eones. Este juego para 2 jugadores de casa con las características del azar y la habilidad que es lo que hace que sea agradable y entretenido. Backgammon es a menudo desempeñan para que las apuestas reales, pero también puede ser jugado por diversión. Con el amanecer de la era de Internet llegó una avalancha de juegos tradicionales que se han adaptado para la red y puede ser jugado en en la red a través de software de casino. La parte impresionante acerca de este software es que permite a los jugadores a jugar sin costo o por dinero real.

Backgammon en la web es disponible en abundancia en la web y simulaciones de software netos han obtenido grandes adelantos desde que se anunció inicialmente años atrás. Entusiastas de esfuerzo puede disfrutar de backgammon ya sea con un rival real o el ordenador. Tan pronto como se haya seleccionado entre varios proveedores de software independientes existentes en Internet, se puede conseguir el software y apostar a chaquete en la red.

Al mismo tiempo, algunos programas está disponible en versión no-download flash. Esto es lo que se llama navegador basado en juego y en vez de descargar el instalador en el equipo e instalarlo, el jugador puede simplemente presionar un botón del ratón y el derecho de apuesta en el navegador como Internet Explorer. También pueden presentar muchas opciones de juego del chaquete como cabeza a cabeza y torneos. Es conveniente que con frecuencia el primer jugador que leer las reglas de backgammon en línea antes de seleccionar un juego para apostar. Campeonato por ejemplo, podría tener normas exclusivas relativas a los costes de entrada y número mínimo de jugadores.


Gratis Spiele gegen Real Money-Backgammon

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Web Backgammon ist ein beliebtes Spiel, das in einer Menge von sortierten Gesellschaften für Äonen genossen hat. Dieses Spiel für 2 Spieler heiratet Merkmale von Glück und Geschick das macht es schön und unterhaltsam. Backgammon ist oft für die tatsächlichen Einsätze gespielt, kann aber auch zur Unterhaltung gespielt werden. Mit dem Anbruch des Internet-Zeitalters kam eine Lawine der traditionelle Spiele, die für das Netz angepasst haben und dass sie auf dem Netz über Casino-Software verspielt. Der schicke Teil zu dieser Software ist, dass es Spielern ermöglicht, sich unentgeltlich zu spielen oder für die tatsächliche Bargeld.

Backgammon auf dem Internet ist reichlich vorhanden auf der Web-und Netto-Software-Simulationen haben ausgezeichnete Fortschritte gewonnen, da sie ursprünglich vor Jahren angekündigt. Enthusiasten können mühelos genießen Backgammon entweder mit einem echten Herausforderer oder den Computer. Sobald sie aus mehreren separaten anderen Software-Anbietern über das Internet ausgewählt haben, können sie die Software und die Spekulation auf Backgammon auf dem Netz.

Zur gleichen Zeit ist eine Software in Nicht-Download Flash-Version zugänglich. Dies ist ein so genanntes Browser-basierte Spiele und anstatt laden Sie das Installationsprogramm auf Ihren Computer und installieren Sie sie, kann der Spieler drücken Sie einfach die Maus-Taste und Einsatz direkt im Browser wie Internet Explorer. Sie können auch derzeit viele Optionen wie Backgammon-Spiel Kopf an Kopf und Turniere. Es ist oft ratsam, dass der Spieler lesen Sie zuerst die Online-Backgammon-Regeln, bevor Sie ein Spiel zu wetten. Meisterschaften könnte zum Beispiel über eine ausschließliche Regelung im Zusammenhang mit Eintritt kostet und die minimale Anzahl von Spielern.


Backgammon – 3 General Schemes

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

In extraordinarily general terms, there are three main plans used. You need to be able to hop between game plans instantly as the course of the match unfolds.

The Blockade

This is comprised of assembling a 6-deep wall of pieces, or at a minimum as thick as you can manage, to block in the opponent’s checkers that are on your 1-point. This is deemed to be the most suitable course of action at the start of the game. You can build the wall anywhere inbetween your eleven-point and your 2-point and then shuffle it into your home board as the match advances.

The Blitz

This consists of closing your home board as quickly as as you can while keeping your challenger on the bar. e.g., if your opponent rolls an early 2 and shifts one piece from your 1-point to your three-point and you then toss a five-five, you are able to play 6/1 6/1 eight/three 8/3. Your opposer is now in big-time calamity because they have 2 pieces on the bar and you have locked half your inner board!

The Backgame

This course of action is where you have 2 or higher anchors in your competitor’s inner board. (An anchor is a point occupied by at a minimum 2 of your checkers.) It needs to be employed when you are decidedly behind as this plan greatly improves your circumstances. The strongest locations for anchor spots are towards your competitor’s lower points and either on adjoining points or with a single point separating them. Timing is important for an effectual backgame: at the end of the day, there’s no reason having 2 nice anchor spots and a complete wall in your own home board if you are then required to break apart this right away, while your challenger is moving their checkers home, considering that you don’t have any other spare pieces to move! In this situation, it is more tolerable to have pieces on the bar so that you might preserve your position up till your opponent provides you a chance to hit, so it will be a good idea to try and get your challenger to hit them in this case!


Backgammon Gambling Tips

Enjoying backgammon could be exciting, especially if you understand how to win by playing properly. But every now and then a pointer or two might assist you even more and develop you into a better player.

One of the greatest game plans to win is to lock your opponent in. It’ll prevent them from advancing their checkers from your home board. This must be done early in the game to keep your competitors two pieces in your home board. So you have to move your checkers to points seven, 5, and four as swiftly as possible and even 2 and 3 if achievable. Maintain your point of 6 with the 6 checkers as it is. This will guarantee that your opponent can not get out of your home board and help your odds of locking them in to come out on top.

By locking your competitor in, they will be praying for double 6’s once all other options have been made to get those 2 pieces out of your home board. If doubles aren’t rolled, your opponent will be compelled to move one checker at a time, as long as they get a six or better, and leave one checker vulnerable behind. Of course while veering off your own pieces, make sure you do not leave one abandoned where your opponent can send you off the board to go through their home board.

When in doubt, hit. This can assist you in winning largely because once your opponent is hit, that piece is the piece they need to move before they can do anything else in the game. So if you hit them multiple times, they’ll have to return many checkers back to the board and get around your checkers to win. Be certain you do not hit where it will make you open to getting hit yourself. Except of course when will be advantageous to you, as in early on in the game when your opposition won’t have you barricaded in.

Landing a hit when you have a barricade started can also be good because once you get a few points barricaded, your opponent will have a difficult time getting their checkers away from your home board and crushing you. It’s even possible to hit them numerous times and get your barricade ready. That way you will be able to lock them from returning to the game and even having a chance at defeating you.

These 2 pointers aren’t the only way to succeed, but they are great ideas for novices to grow into better enthusiasts. So when you conquer these, being victorious most of the time certainly won’t appear to be such a complex thing to do.


The Basics of Backgammon Tactics – Part 2

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

As we dicussed in the previous article, Backgammon is a casino game of ability and pure luck. The aim is to move your chips carefully around the game board to your home board and at the same time your opposition shifts their chips toward their inside board in the opposing direction. With opposing player checkers heading in opposing directions there is going to be conflict and the need for particular tactics at particular instances. Here are the last two Backgammon strategies to complete your game.

The Priming Game Plan

If the goal of the blocking tactic is to slow down the opponent to shift their checkers, the Priming Game strategy is to completely barricade any movement of the opponent by creating a prime – ideally 6 points in a row. The competitor’s chips will either get hit, or result a battered position if she ever tries to leave the wall. The ambush of the prime can be established anyplace between point two and point 11 in your board. As soon as you’ve successfully built the prime to stop the activity of your competitor, the opponent doesn’t even get a chance to roll the dice, and you shift your chips and toss the dice yet again. You will win the game for sure.

The Back Game Plan

The aims of the Back Game tactic and the Blocking Game strategy are similar – to hinder your opponent’s positions in hope to improve your odds of winning, but the Back Game plan relies on different techniques to achieve that. The Back Game tactic is generally utilized when you’re far behind your opponent. To participate in Backgammon with this technique, you need to control 2 or more points in table, and to hit a blot (a single piece) late in the game. This plan is more challenging than others to play in Backgammon because it needs careful movement of your chips and how the pieces are relocated is partly the outcome of the dice roll.


Web Backgammon For Money

[ English ]

Real cash net backgammon has grown in fame in recent years with players from all over the globe, but you don’t have to constantly bet cash in order to play. Most net software games can be enjoyed in gratuitous play mode. This is a fun approach to master backgammon and to rehearse your backgammon techniques. It should also be a powerful way to augment your course of action and technique. As soon as a player has built up their techniques and backbone at gratuitous backgammon, it’s then the opportunity to check out a few real life money games.

Remember that actual cash backgammon is big-time business and you can be up against some skilled gamblers with a lot of ability, so ensure that you are all set to play before you gamble on online backgammon for cash. There are many pages on the world wide web that are completely devoted to the game of backgammon so be sure to use to your advantage of all that complimentary material. That, along with with gratis play games, will help you advance your techniques and ultimately your overall odds of attaining a win.

Internet backgammon is a great pastime that combines the luck of dice rolls with actual player skills. You have to think quick and take in the backgammon game to come out ahead at this game. Try complimentary game software to polish your skills at online backgammon and then attempt a real cash game.